Sunday, July 24, 2011

Dine and Fandy

Cara Famiglia,
In honor of Diana's birthday I though I would make the subject a spoonerism, in the spirit of how the work is going here in Busto Arsizio. Happy Birthday Diana! You rock!
Well the work is carrying on. We have four people with baptismal dates set for the 13th of August. Unfortunately, in Italy almost everybody leaves for a month vacation in August. We hope the ward is here to come to the baptisms. But they are all really solid people. The first is Rafael, who is still the man. We can only see him Saturdays and Sundays after church, but he is progressing really well and is already talking about going to the temple in a couple months. Next is Filippo, who we finally set a baptismal date with! He is cool, we just need to get him a little more focused. But he is finally progressing because he is finally reading and praying. We also had a miracle this week with a new investigator named Akil! He is this awesome guy from Albania. He's Muslim, and fought in the war in Iraq alongside Americans against Saddam Hussein, and when he came home his family called him a traitor against the faith. His wife left him for that reason, and his family basically hates him so he came to Italy. Now he's homeless and jobless, and yet really wants to meet with us because he "doesn't want to lose his faith." He is going to be baptized on the 13th of August, 2011. It is amazing to see the change in him as he accepts Jesus Christ as our Savior and continues to make the changes necessary to prepare for baptism. He is sooooooo great! Then the last baptismal date is the miracle kid Alex. We need to help him a little more to get ready, but we are really praying for him. He is searching for answers, and we know this is the response he is looking for.
Anyway I'm out of time, but I love you all! The Book of Mormon is the word of God.
-Anziano Benjamin Smith

1 comment:

  1. We LOVE Anziano Smith! I am STILL praying Rhett will get to serve with him again!! HUG!!!!
